
So, who am I and what is Business in Shorts all about?

Business in Shorts

I am Alain Stoll and I run multiple businesses together with my partner in life. We have a small IT business and an online store that sells cosmetics. I started this blog for multiple reasons, but mostly I would like to help you start your own business as it has been a blessing for me.

From the moment I quit my day jobs, every day has been a pleasure and working doesn’t really bother me. In fact most of the work I do I enjoy quite a bit and I wouldn’t know what else to do if not work.

The reason I called the site Business in Shorts is, because ever since I became an entrepreneur I basically always walk around in shorts. Summer, winter, you name it. I wear shorts and a T-shirt. Additionally, it helps that I want to give you quick and actionable information, so business in short.

I would love to hear from you. Please rate my blog posts and leave comments. I invite you to join my mailing list and just get started with your own business.

Alain Stoll