I’m sure you guys would love to know, which books I have read and would recommend to you, if you consider starting a business. So, I figure I compile a small list of the books I just loved and mostly, I thought were actually helpful. I hope these books will be of assistance to you as well. 1. The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime It’s one of my favorite books. His writing style is honest and refreshing. Plus all the anecdotes make the book very entertaining. 2. Profit First: Transform Your Business…
It was the year 2012 and I was working two part time jobs as an IT specialist. On a regular weekday, I was actually looking forward to going home and making some music. Unfortunately, I couldn’t live off my music as I never really made any money with it. Always had an entrepreneur inside of me I had been developing websites since I was 9 years old and always enjoyed it very much. Aside from earning some pocket money, I sadly never felt like I could turn it into a real business. Because it was the music industry that had…
I know the feeling very well. You have so much stuff you need to do and technically want to do. But somehow, you cannot seem to leave Facebook alone or you just have to answer that one e-mail. Or maybe you just don’t get into the rhythm of getting things done. Well, should you have arrived at that point right now, maybe I can help. So, with no further ado. Here are my 3 tips to improve your productivity. Make themed workdays I’ve heard that making themed workdays can help with being productive on a podcast episode of Smart Passive…
From what I have read and heard, almost 20% of business fail in the first two years and a staggering half fails in the first five years. Let’s think about that for a second. If both you and a friend of yours are each starting a business at the same time, either one of you will fail. That’s the harsh reality. Now, do you want to fail? It sounds like a rhetorical question, but the way I see it, there is one major thing, that will take the decision away from you and into the hands of the universe. Cash…
Paid advertising has a bad rep to some point and I honestly do not know why. If you’re just starting out and have a small but existing budget for marketing. I encourage you to try pay-per-click advertising. I want to take the time to look at three different platforms I myself have used or am still using at the time of writing this. I have gained some experience in using Google, Facebook, and Snapchat. I will however say that they change very quickly and when you read this my information might up to some point already be outdated. Still, if…
About a year ago, I’ve read a book on marketing and business in general. It clearly stated that once you have found a way to turn paid advertising into a way to earn even the tiniest percentage all you have to do is to increase the budget. So, the book stated that if you find a way to use paid advertising to turn a profit, you can just increase the budget and earn money on every sale. Easy right? Wrong! I completely and utterly disagree on that and for good reasons. Setting a daily budget on PPC advertising is an…
You probably think, “This guy is nuts. Everybody says it is very important to have a good work life balance.” True. I can’t argue with you on that. Pretty much everybody is promoting a healthy work life balance to be successful. But I still disagree. When it comes to entrepreneurship, there is no half-ass. You are either all in or you should keep your current employment. Now, I’m not advocating for you to quit your job if you don’t have any savings and need to feed a family of four. But you need to get a reality-check before you commit…
Do you feel like you’re always running out of money? Do you feel like it doesn’t matter what you do and how much revenue you generate, you never really turn a profit? I know how you feel. I went through the same thing with my business when we started out. You cannot believe that after the project you just finished you still are running behind payments and you just think that you need another project. It always feels like the profit is just around the corner and yet the corner is always out of reach when you come close. I’m…
I hope you are the kind of aspiring entrepreneur that is constantly reading and learning. What am I talking about, of course you are. You are reading my blog after all. But what if listening to other entrepreneur success stories actually hurts your chances of having success of your own. So, let me make an example here. If you search the internet for how to get your business off the ground or just getting started with coaching, you will find lots of tips on how to go about that. But how do you know which of these techniques and steps…
You know the type and you have heard it before. “I am about to start my business”. Unfortunately, that never actually happens. Yep, I know a couple of people who wanted to start their own businesses and never have, and probably never will. So, what’s holding them and you back? From experience I have learned that the following reasons are most likely to keep you from starting your own business. I also have a solution to change that. Constantly learning First of all, if you are reading this and you are eager to learn. Kudos! I am very proud of…