The No. 1 Way To Prevent Your Business From Failing

From what I have read and heard, almost 20% of business fail in the first two years and a staggering half fails in the first five years. Let’s think about that for a second. If both you and a friend of yours are each starting a business at the same time, either one of you will fail. That’s the harsh reality. Now, do you want to fail? It sounds like a rhetorical question, but the way I see it, there is one major thing, that will take the decision away from you and into the hands of the universe. Cash…

5 Tips You Can Implement Right Now To Turn Your Business Profitable

Do you feel like you’re always running out of money? Do you feel like it doesn’t matter what you do and how much revenue you generate, you never really turn a profit? I know how you feel. I went through the same thing with my business when we started out. You cannot believe that after the project you just finished you still are running behind payments and you just think that you need another project. It always feels like the profit is just around the corner and yet the corner is always out of reach when you come close. I’m…

Use These 5 Pillars To Make Money Online

Use These 5 Pillars To Make Money Online Everybody wants to be rich, yet when it comes down to making something happen people go out of their way to fail. Online you can find lots of tactics that are meant to make you a millionaire, but they are very generic and even if you follow them you will probably not succeed. Why is that? It’s very simple. It doesn’t matter what you are trying to sell or offer online, it always comes down to the following 5 pillars to be successful. You need to have certain qualifications in these 5…